ISSN: 1306-6048
"Jcp-injective Rings", 6, 2009, 1-22.
"An Algebraic Interpretation of the q-Binomial Coefficients", 6, 2009, 23-30.
"NI Rings Which are Weakly π-Regular", 6, 2009, 31-37.
"DifferentialPolynomials over Baer Rings", 6, 2009, 38-45.
"Periodic Resolutions for Certain Finite Groups", 6, 2009, 46-64.
"A Note on Fully (m,n)-Stable Modules", 6, 2009, 65-73.
"Weak Hopf Algebra Duality in Weak Yetter-Drinfeld Categories and Applications", 6, 2009, 74-94.
"Factoring Certain Infinite Abelian Groups by Distorted Cyclic Subsets", 6, 2009, 95-106.
"Diagonalization of Regular Matrices Over Exchange Rings”, 6, 2009, 107-114.
"Homomorphic Images of Semihereditary Rings”, 6,2009, 115-118.
"(n,m)-Strongly Gorenstein Projective Modules”, 6, 2009, 119-133 .
V. K. Bhat, "On Near Pseudo-Valuation Rings and Their Extensions”, Int. Electron. J. Algebra, 5, 2009, 70-77.