Volume 33 (2023)
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Professor Edmund Puczyłowski

Edmund Puczyłowski, Ph.D.

1. G. Kalaimurugan, S. Gopinath and T. Tamizh Chelvam

"Cayley subspace sum graph of vector spaces", 33, 2023, 1-17. Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1195466

2. G. Kalaimurugan, P. Vignesh, M. Afkhami and Z. Barati

"Planar index and outerplanar index of zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings without identity", 33, 2023, 18-33.

Doi:  10.24330/ieja.1152714

3. Trinh Thanh Deo and Vo Thanh Chi

"On some ideal structure of Leavitt path algebras with coefficients in integral domains", 33, 2023, 34-53.

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1229771

4. Philly Ivan Kimuli and David Ssevviiri
"Characterizations of regular modules",  33, 2023, 54-76.
Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1224782
5. Z. Pourshafiey and R. Nekooei

"When do quasi-cyclic codes have  F_{q^l}-linear image?", 33, 2023, 77-86. Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1198011

6. Ajim Uddin Ansari and B. K. Sharma

"Graded S-Noetherian Modules", 33, 2023, 87-108. 

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1229782

7. Avanish Kumar Chaturvedi and Nirbhay Kumar
"On modules with chain condition on non-small submodules", 33, 2023, 109-124. Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1195509
8. Shafiq ur Rehman and Muhammad Naveed Shaheryar

"On generalized probability in finite commutative rings", 33, 2023, 125-132.  Doi:  10.24330/ieja.1156662

9. Alberto Facchini and Jennifer Parolin

"A little mistake in a paper by Bob Gilmer on rngs", 33, 2023, 133-136. Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1226292

10.Bertrand Nguefack
"The structure of matrix polynomial  algebras", 33, 2023, 137-177.
Doi:  10.24330/ieja.1151001
11. Xiaomeng Wang, Loic Foissy and Xing Gao
"The dual of infinitesimal unitary Hopf algebras and planar rooted forests ", 33, 2023, 178-204.

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1220707
12. Amir Mafi, Dler Naderi and Parasto Soufivand
"On vertex decomposability and regularity of graphs", 33, 2023, 205-212.

Doi:  10.24330/ieja.1217285
13. Hader A. Elgendy

"On the irreducible representations of the Jordan triple system of $p \times q$ matrices", 33, 2023, 213-225.

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1226320

14. Anton Cedilnik
"Classification of three-dimensional isopotent algebras", 33, 2023, 226-246.

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1217445
15. Vsevolod Gubarev and Roman Kozlov

"Rota—Baxter Operators on Cur(sl_2 (C))", 33, 2023, 247-269.

Doi: 10.24330/ieja.1218727

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